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Having his own personality that what matters when it comes to guitar building. Listing some classical guitars from the luthier Michael O’Leary is really a chance for us. The chance to offer to our player one of the best tone quality guitars with a huge musicality.

Here are some Bio information extracted from Michael O’Leary website :

This inherent passion for guitar combined with his creative skills has led him to a full time career as a luthier. Michael’s son Alec understandably followed a career in classical guitar and, as his studies progressed, his requirement for the ultimate instrument led him into creative mode with the enthusiasm to develop a better concert guitar. With Michael’s background and several generations of inherited woodworking tools this development of the concert guitar was very easy. He had a B.Sc. Honours Degree in Design Technology and a Diploma in Design & Innovation which included much in-depth study into modern materials.