After 2 years here is the new guitar from Dennis Tolz. Dennis Tolz guitars are played by David Russell and other concert players. He has more than 10 years of waiting time. Dennis Tolz guitar is all you could dream about. An incredible instrument that makes you give the best while playing. Loud, balanced, creamy, bright, and round at the same time. Full of tone colors. The new guitar includes new features such as the waveguide. Listen to all our vid you won’t regret it!
David Russell who plays for a decade with Matthias Dammann luthier guitars picked up in the Koblenz festival a guitar of Dennis. Since then he is playing both guitars in concert, and Dennis’s waiting list jumped to 7 to 8 years. If you looked at who are the players who are on the list you will get the names of the very best concert players the world can offer.
There is a simple reason that Dennis Tolz guitars are awesome and unique. They are not super loud as the Dammann guitars although they can compete with some of our best lattice we are listing, Dennis is voluntarily sort of limiting the loudness of his guitar to keep a natural sound.
The result is a guitar that allows you to search for any tone color you want. You can play softly and very strongly without losing any sound quality.
Instead of talking of the guitar, the best is to listen to our videos.
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