Jim Redgate lattice # 474 – Australia

Because Jim has a lot of orders in the pipe we did not get any new guitars this year and probably won’t get any in 2025. However here is a unique chance to get a guitar which is like a brand new guitar from Jim. In 2020, we sold to a lute player an amazing lattice from Jim  the guitar No 474 – Philippe was impressed by this particular number and still remembered the guitar when we shot the video. The guitar remained untouched in his case and  the owner decided to sell his guitar. Because all the lattice from Jim are very consistent, here is a unique chance to get a guitar which would be like a brand new guitar from Jim. This No 474 is a true dream guitar. The guitar is loud, warm, and has great dynamics but remains traditional sounding. The body is as light as a traditional guitar which gives a true pleasure for the player. A super light lattice guitar with a huge sound and a great pleasure. You should watch Philippe’s video, you will understand why we love so much Jim’s guitars.

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