
Here is the list of the classical guitars that we do have in the showroom at the 11th of June. Please contact us if you are looking for a particular guitar which is not available, we have a huge network and we might be able to find her for you.

This month, we have received:

  • A new concert classical guitar from the luthier Graham Carldersmith from Australia
  • A new double-top classical guitar from the luthier Andreas Kirschner
  • A new double-top Cedar/Balsa/ from Martin Blackwell
  • A Giannis paleodimopoulos which is surely the best lattice classical guitar that you can find in Greece
  • and last but not least a new double-top from Finland from the luthier Keiji Korelin : amazing guitar


Giannis Paleodimopoulos
Régis Sala Australe
Dan Kellaway
Graham Caldersmith Semi-concert
Graham Caldersmith Concert
Allan Bull
Ian Kneipp


Keijo Korelin
Andreas Kirschner
Martin Blackwell
Dake traphagen
Reza Safavian
Jeroen Hilhorst
Dieter Hopf


Christian Koehn
Kenny Hill modèle Torres
Masaki Sakurai Modèle Maestro 2015 RF
Masaru Kohno modèle 20
Pierre Marcard
Gary Southwell decacordes

We receive guitars every month and many of them are already on hold when they arrive. The delivery date given by the luthiers are just indications: once the guitar is ready, most of the luthiers keep the guitar for sometime to check the consistancy and the make the latest ajustments.

Here is the pending orders and a list the guitars due to arrive soon:

Michael O’Leary lattice
Christian Koehn traditionnelle
Stanislaw Partyka lattice
Zibgniew Gnatek
Dieter Hopf Evolucion


Andre & Philippe

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