New arrivals

The new arrivals of the month : lattice, double-top or traditional luthier classical guitars.

We receive many luthier classical guitars every month. As some of you notice some of them are already sold or on hold when they arrive in our shop. So following the arrival planning is very important to pick your dream guitar. Every month, we publish as well the list of the pending orders in the tube. Some of our luthiers have a waiting list of several years and they do us a favor by supplying us with a new guitar. So here are the new arrival of the month:

Incoming guitars

Here are the guitars which are due to arrive within the next two month.

This category includes all the guitars double-top, traditional or lattice braced which are currently on the luthier’s bench or on the luthier order list. Because most of the guitars which arrive at the showroom are already on hold, you will be able to better planify a trial session or order your guitar.

Philippe's tips and tricks

Here is a new section that will be enriched over the months. The objective is to share with you some receipes and thoughts. 

Our detailed review videos

Here are our latest ‘Detailed Review videos’ which aim at showing an large overview on how the guitars sounds.

Guitar reviews Last videos

Review Hermann Hauser III 1998 No 444

Guitar reviews Traditional

Review video of a 2009 Jose Romanillos

Demo video Double-top Guitar reviews Luthiers New arrivals

Video review of the 2020 Lattice # 146 from Charalampos Koumridis – Greece

Demo video Double-top Guitar reviews Luthiers New arrivals

Video review of the 2020 DT #550 guitar from Jan Schneider – Czech Rep

Demo video Guitar reviews Lattice Luthiers New arrivals

Video review of the 2020 lattice guitar from Constantin Dumitriu – Roumania

Demo video Guitar reviews Luthiers New arrivals Traditional

Video review of the 2020 #5280 Dieter Hopf La portentosa Evolucion – Germany

Demo video Guitar reviews Luthiers New arrivals Traditional

Video review of the 1984 #588 Daniel Friederich – France

Demo video Guitar reviews Luthiers New arrivals Traditional

Video review of the new #100 Anniversary from Max Cuker – Lithuania

The showroom of the classical guitars